Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Muscle Building for Women Works As a Weight Loss Tool

Shed Weight With Weights
Many women are worried and sometimes even scared, that if they were to begin any form of weight training or resistance training program, they might build an excess of muscle and they would start looking too manly. But it's still the case that many see muscle building for women as a way of actually losing their femininity.
Having said that, a large percentage of women of all ages are really overweight, so surely they've already lost their femininity in any case.
Flab put bluntly, just isn't attractive and it surely doesn't make a girl look desirable and sexy. I agree that huge muscles, as seen on professional female bodybuilders certainly don't look lady-like. But that is usually as a result of steroid taking. A good muscle building for women program isn't going to give you that look at all. So don't panic.
It is pretty accurate to say however, that a women might gain weight on a fitness plan aimed at muscle building for women, simply because muscle mass weighs more than fat, but the prospects of them actually slimming down are higher. Because the weight training exercise triggers muscles to develop, they end up burning more calories than before, even when at rest. This is why fat reduction occurs once you begin weight training.
The body's ability to shed weight and keep that weight off is governed by your metabolic rate, or your metabolism and it can be likened to a calorie or fat reducing machine inside of your body.
If you want to burn more calories, even while doing nothing at all - yes even whilst sleeping -the primary factor is to elevate your metabolism to a point where it has got to draw on excess fat stores. So the simple truth is that weight loss while at rest, is possible. As long as you have induced an increase in your metabolic rate.
This is all based, obviously, on the sort of diet you eat and how active you are. A healthy diet is essential and cannot be overlooked. Calories are needed to burn up calories, but your body will have a more difficult job to burn off calories from particularly unhealthy, fattening foods.
Also, the fitter you become, the more rapidly you are able to shed the pounds and lose that unwanted fat. Fitter women have faster metabolisms.
Any good exercise plan will involve both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Resistance training with weights is primarily anaerobic. Aerobic exercise will burn calories, but when the work out is ended, your metabolic rate will decrease, mainly because the body will only burn extra calories as you are exercising. So, if you want to carry on losing weight long after physical exercise has finished, for up to 2 days in fact, then you should look at High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT.
To discover much more about HIIT and muscle building for women, and begin getting rid of excess weight, even in your sleep, take a look at this informative site and turbo-charge your weight loss today.

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